Friday, April 22, 2011

Avant Gardens - Mini Tour

Welcome to the Avant Gardens. A once to be beautiful and rich area. That is until the Paradox Research Facility was corrupted by the Maelstrom. This Area is also home to the famous Minifigure Monument. Please proceed with caution.
Note: Blue text indicates a landmark.

When you first arrive from the Venture Explorer, everything looks normal. All you can see is some type of machine up ahead... with a person next to it.... Please note you cannot return directly to the Venture Explorer once you have arrived

If you use the binoculars right next to the launch pad, it will show you a ledge right above you, where pets can be found. New comers can later come back here to tame the pet.

Continue forward, there you will see the Paradox Research Facility. As you can see, it is in bad shape

The area has now been overrun with some fearsome creatures... the maelstrom. Be careful as you pass.

Do the very best you can as you pass trough the stromlings. Make you way to Epsilon Starcracker. You will be safe there because no stromlings can get in.

You will need to pass trough the field. Fight your way to the gates. There will also be stromlings and Mechs. Continue to where it is safe.

Upon going to the gates, if you turn right, you just might find the Maelstrom Mine.

The Maelstrom Mine contains many Spiderlings. These creatures are much more dangerous to fight. We recommended newcomers to not go in there. This is actually a really good place to earn faction tokens if you are more experienced.

Once you do pass the gate, you will arrive at the Sentinel's Camp. This place is protected, so you don't have to worry. Here you can also find another pet, the survival mini game, many mission givers, a mailbox and a basic gear vendor.

 Next, lets continue trough the tunnel. This tunnel leads to the Monument.

Now, you will need to quick build a bridge. You can do that, or simply jump on and off the rocks like you see the minifigure doing in the picture.

Welcome to the Monument. This statue shows a minifigure fighting a maelstrom force. This is a massive project done by the Assembly.

You will now need to climb up this monument. Jump over lasers, and press or build buttons to turn off the fans. You can use any of the three colored paths indicated by the color of the objects on the path.

When you have finally made it to the top, you can complete a mission and make a race start and finish line. Then you can time yourself climbing up the Monument. When you are ready head forward.

Welcome to the final area, the Launch Site. Here, you can visit four different vendors, use the wishing well, talk to the crew up on the bleachers, tame a pet located directly to your right when coming down the road, and blast off to Nimbus Station, the Return to the Venture Explorer and the two property worlds. This place is good for meetings. And there is a rocket making area.

And that concludes our Avant Gardens Tour, Thank You for reading! Let us know what you think by leaving a comment!

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