Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Universe Part 1 The Insides and Outsides of the game...

Hello! This section is great for starters! Here you will learn about everything in the game and how it works. There are tips, hints, secrets and more for each thing!

The Worlds
When Crux had exploded, it send several chunk of land in all directions, these places have become the worlds we know so well. Below is the map of all the current known major worlds. Notice that every world except one, has a smaller piece of land next to it. These are properties...

Known Major Worlds:
Venture Explorer
Avant Gardens
Nimbus Station
Gnarled Forest
Forbidden Valley
Pet Cove
Crux Prime

There are several properties. Once you complete a little challenge, you will be able to rent a select area and build with bricks, pets or models on it. There is so much you can do on it.

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