Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mission: Faction Time!

Mission Guides: Avant Gardens: Faction Time!
Mission: EASY

It is now time to head off to Nimbus Station and join a Faction! Can you believe it? AHHH!! :D
NOTE: Lego Universe players who are playing in the Free Trial, can go no further as Nimbus Station can only be accesed with a full membership. Liking Lego Universe? Upgrade to membership to join a Faction! 

Sky Lane will direct you to go to Nimbus Station. Go to the large middle launch pad behing her, and press SHIFT to launch off to Nimbus Station!
Once you arrive at Nimbus Station, you must continue going foward down the hill. When you get to the bottom of it with the plaza, continue to the minifigure with the glowing blue beam above him.
He will direct you to the next mission that will get you a Faction! Please see Nimbus Station Missions for the next mission.

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