Friday, July 29, 2011

Venture Explorer Mini Tour

Hello, and welcome to the Venture Explorer Mini Tour! If this is your first time here, then welcome aboard! But just don't stay too long... If you follow me then we can get started.

When you first arrive upon the Venture Explorer, you may see that.. well.. it's not in its best position right now. A powerfull Maelstrom force has corrupted the system. Make your way along the path with the arrows.

You can quickbuild the bouncers on-board once you recieve your imagination from Bob's mission. These will take you to hidden areas and give you shortcuts too! 
Around the Venture Explorer there are several multi-colored boxes, each contains different rocket parts in it. You can try to collect all three of each three rocket parts for achievements.
Near Bob, there are two walkways on both sides of the ship, there, by using bouncers, you can get to high platforms around the ship to find more things.

At the end of the Venture Explorer, you will find the escape rocket launchers...

When your finnaly finished with everything onboard, you can use one of the rocket launchers to leave the Venture Explorer. Remember you won't be able to come back to finish the bioncular and plaque achievements, so do so before you leave.

So thank you for travaling with us on the Venture Explorer... And we welcome you to the Nimbus System! Ship will be shut down for EXTREMLY LONG repairs, so please DO NOT comeback at your own risk. Thank You ;) Comment with a question or comment below... Thanks!

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