Monday, April 25, 2011

Avant Gardens - Flags

Avant Gardens has a total of 10 "Life Flags". When they are all collected, you will get an additional life point.
Most flags are hidden on the monument, here is the guide.

The first flag is located right behind you, when you first land on the launch pad.
 The next flag is in plane sight on the Research Facility.
 Next, go to the very end of the battle area to the left of the Camp. Look behind a broken building or bridge.
 The next flag is located inside the area filled with Dark Spiderlings. Go to the very back area that is  currently blocked off.
 The next couple are found at the monument. When taking the Green Path up the monument, you should see this flag.
 To get this one, climb up the Yellow Path. When you get to the top after using the super fast elevator, go over to the arm and grab the flag.
 This flag can be easily found when taking the Orange Path.
 This flag is hidden. It is inside a little cave that is blocked off by a wall of bricks. When on the green path, hump up to the highest green platform next to the green stairs, and jump across the gap to get here.
 To get this flag, carefully plan your jump. It is located at the end of the road, left to where you come when you finish climbing the monument.
Look for this flag at the Launch Area behind the bleachers next to the launch pad.

We hope this helped. Please let us know what you think in a comment!

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