Saturday, April 23, 2011

Avant Gardens - Tips of the Road

Avant Gardens is huge! Therefore there are several secrets the area has to offer. Remember, we are always looking for more content! If you notice any secrets, and it is worth it, we will put it up, put your name for everyone to see and even give you credit!

Known Things:

When coming back from Nimbus Station, the quick way to get around the monument is to follow the road that was broken off. Then make a double jump and continue your way forward as shown in the picture by the red arrows.

Tired of having to quick build the bridge 987,231 times? Simply jump right onto the rocks to the left of the gap, and then onto the other platform. It's that easy!
Hidden Location

To get to the pets right next to the very beginning of Avant Gardens near the Launch Pad, get another pet to dig up the treasure chest and release a pet bouncer. Then use that to jump up onto there.

Climbing up the monument is fun, but sometimes you can get tired. After you adopted at least one pet, take it out. Where you see the man holding a wrench at the very start of the monument, instead of going foward, turn left. Continue to the end. Then get a pet to help you with the treasure chest. You will open a pet bouncer. Use it to jump up, then walk to the road and you just passed the monument!

Note: When in a race up the monument, the race will end if you go here.

Hidden Area

To get another pet, when going down the road to the Launch Area, turn right to see a area with pets.

Thank you for reading this! We hoped you liked it and want to hear your opinion on it! Comment please if you can! Be sure to let us know if there is anything we should add!

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