Thursday, August 18, 2011

Basics: Level Up!

While you play Lego Universe, you are constantly earning U-Score! They can be earned from Missions and Achievements...
Whenever accpeting Missions, or looking at achievements, you may notice that there are U-Score points in the rewards section. The more points you get, the better. Missions or Achievement with more U-Score are most likely harder to achieve. You can see your U-Score next to your Minifigure's head and in your passport.

So what's U-Score gonna do for you? Well your Level depends on it. You can get from level 1 all the way to Level 40 by earning more and more U-Score. Every five levels unlocks rewards. See them below.

Some items are locked until a particular level. Once you get to the certain level, you can now purchase or use the item that you wanted.

U-Score is displayed to everyone, so they can see how powerfull you are. Once you reach Level 40, you unlocked all items and will no longer recieve U-Score. 

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