The Basics

The Basics of Lego Universe
Every super experienced, super powerfull minifigure in Lego Universe has to learn the basics. And thats what this page is all about! A great place to learn the most important things in Lego Universe all here.

If you would like to read all of the information here in order, then click HERE... OR select what you want to read about in particular below!

New to Lego Universe? This place is great to learn about making a character, your name and moving about...

Before you play, why not take a minute to learn about Lego Universe and what has to offer. We will go over the worlds, the story and the factions.

Learn about all the buttons that live on your screen when you play Lego Universe. We will go over the backpack, the passport, health, shield, imagination, quick chat and much more!

When playing in Lego Universe, you are always earning more and more Lego Universe Points. This counts towards you level? Find out how this system works here!

Clothing and Items, help you survive
Lets get started on learning how to survive in Lego Universe. Learn the basics of how clothing and Faction kits work and what abillites they give you. As well as what items can do for you.

Shields Up! Battle Time!
Its time to fight those enemies. Learn about the enemies of the Minifures and the powerfull weapons you can use!

Mission Time
Lets learn a little about missions, and the minifigures who give them to you. We will go over missions, rewards, universe points, reputation and NPCs.

A Minifigure's Best Friend
Pets! There are several of them all over Lego Universe. Learn about them and their emotions, build, and what pet digs are all about.

Lets Play Minigames!
Lego Universe is stuffed with minigames. Learn more about racing, survival and all the other minigames in Lego Universe.

LEGO Bricks
You can't have LEGO in Lego Universe if you couldn't build in the Universe. Learn all about bricks, models, properties and more.

Lets get started on learning abou the world around you. So you start playing, awesome, but what the heck are all those buttons and switches and icons around you.... and is - is that a bar? Well let's quickly learn about it.

This image shows everything that is located on your screen. REMEMBER: When you first start playing Lego Universe, you won't see a shield or imagination bar. And nothing will up as high as shown here, but don't worry. As you keep playing this game you will become more powerful yourself.

See below for descriptions.

Imagination, Shield and Life
  The Imagination Orb is to the very left of the picture.  Imagination is an very important part of the game, with it you can build, quick build, do special powers and attacks and much much more. Find it in smashables. Shield is in the middle. Once you have an item that includes shield, you can then use it to protect your life. Any damage you take will first come off of your shield before your life. Also in smashables. Life to the very right is the thing that keeps you together. Loose it all, and you get smashed. In smashables.

This is the main currency in Lego Universe, with it you can buy almost anything. Almost everything including quick builds, enemies and smashables drop it. Brown is one coin. Silver is ten. Blue is 100. Purple is 1000. And red is 10000. Collect as many as you can you never know when you might need it.

Friend's List
In Lego Universe you can have friends on your "friend list". To become friends, when near a player press the CTRL or CONTROL key on your key board to see your options. Click on become friends to send them an invite, if they accept you will be friends. Manage you friends on your friends list. Simply click the little star up on top of your screen.

As you explore Lego Universe you will have many missions to do. Missions give you a higher ranks and more coins and sometimes even special rewards. To learn more about missions go lower down on this page. The missions you are currently working on will be displayed as circles up on top of your screen. Use the arrows to   scroll through all of them. Click it to see a short description of what you need to do for that challenge.

Mini map
Shows you a small version of the map in the place where you are in. You can also zoom in and out of close it.

Quick Chat
Use this large menu of emotions and words to quickly make a statement for all to see. As you continue your adventures you can unlock even more things for it.

Don't feel like using a menu? Try using regular local chat. Type in anything you want (as long as it is appropriate) and let the world see it. If anyone around you also talks, their words will be displayed there.

Special Actions
Some gear that you have can trigger special actions, to activate one, click on that matching number in the square on your keyboard and then press ALT on you keyboard to watch it work. Some actions may require imagination.

Did you notice the bar with several icons in the bottom right hand corner of your screen that we didn't label? Well here it is! This bar is also very important! Label descriptions are below.

This will probably one of the most places you will ever visit - your backpack. The backpack holds almost everything you collect from items, to models, to brick all the way to behaviors! Learn more about the backpack HERE (Coming Soon Possibly).

Also a popular place, the passport holds a lot of information you need. It lists all you missions achievements, statuses and more. Learn even more HERE (coming soon possibly).

The map will display the entire map of the area. On it you will see yourself, the orange dot, and the way your looking. It will also show the launch pads and vendors which are the coins. An ideal tool for getting around. Click the little circle next to the X to see the Universe Map.

There's always something new happening in Lego Universe! Use the news area to view what going on right now, see hints, achievements you almost finished and today's top properties. This is also the same screen you see when you first log in.

Help Menu
Cool - a Mythran! The Lego Universe help menu can sometimes become important. You can report mean players here, ask questions read Frequently Asked Questions, Send support letters and VERY IMPORTANT.... smash yourself. This is a useful tool when you are lost or stuck. You will come back to a safe checkpoint. Be aware you will still loose money.

Settings Menu
And finally (phew i'm tired of typing) the setting Menu. You can adjust your game settings here, view credits switch accounts, Logout or quit to desktop.

The Universe Part 1
The Inside and Outsides of the Game

Basic In Game Objects and Rules

Once you learn your basic movements, you are ready to start playing......yay!
Here you will learn about some of the very basic things in Lego Universe. Look out for blue writing as they are tips that even a very experienced player may not have known of.

Smashables are objects scattered all around Lego Universe. They can be smashed by players and usually release a shied, life, imagination and coins. Sometimes tokens, items and bricks. Almost all smashables can be smashed with a normal weapon, but not all. Smashables have a moving white strip on them indicating they can be smashed.

Binoculars and Plaques
A binocular (to the left) when interacted with will show you something or a view. These can be helpful, and can reveal secrets. Use them all in a world to win an achievement. Blue lights on it indicate it was not yet used. A plaque (to the left) when interacted with will tell you about something that helps tie the story of the world together. A glowing one indicates it was not yet used. Use them all in a world for another achievement.

Quick Builds
Sometimes when you smash something, a pile of bricks will appear and will give you a Imagination Point value. These are called quick builds. If you have enough imagination, click and hold shift to start building it. If you stop holding shift or run out of imagination while building it, it will stall a little while when you can quickly get more imagination. If you take too long, it will fall apart again and you will need to start all over. Smashables when built may reveal many assorted things.

Treasure Chests
You will probably see many of these around Lego Universe. A pet will need to help you dig it up. They usually only release about two bricks.
Its time to fight those enemies. Learn about the enemies of the Miniigures and the powerfull weapons you can use!